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Inside the Free Membership Site you’ll discover the closely guarded secrets of the 1% of the 1%:

  • The way money is created so it can no longer be used against the people, but for us.
  • The difference between money, checkbook money and credit and what it means for our future
  • You will understand how wealth transfers to the rich and how we can transfer it back to ourselves
  • How do the richest people profit from both the boom and the bust? This alone is worth the price of the book…
  • Discover how minimum wage laws affect income inequality and how we can fight for more than $15…
  • How does Central Banking work and what secrets are there hiding in plain sight?
  • How Fractional Reserve Banking benefits the 1% of the 1%?
  • Free Markets or Socialism, which one benefits the wealthiest? You might be surprised by this one…
  • How Can 9 Trillion Dollars just disappear?


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